
The road will always be forked. One of the ways will be very easy. It will be paved. And, on a paved road, beautiful flowers don't grow. The easy road will not have mountains, nor will it have valleys. It will be a straight road; quite mundane. There is no way to know where this road will take you, other than walking it until the very end where another forked road will be visible.

The second road, I guarantee you, will not be easy. On the contrary, it might be beyond anyone's imagination to know how this road would be. It will not be a bed of roses. Infact, it might be full of thorns, which will prick the feet walking on it, making the feet realize each and every step. And yet, this road will be enjoyed to the fullest by the traveller. Why? Because, the road wil have the most delightful fruits and flowers growing alongside it. On choosing this path, it would be chosen to undergo many hardships along the way, all the while enjoying the journey also. Wherever this road will end, you would have always wanted to be there from the beginning. So, the end would definitely be heavenly.

Sometimes, it may be a matter of destiny as to why the first or the second road is chosen. And destiny will seldom be wrong. If destiny was the one to call upon a particular path, she probably has the end in mind. So, it becoes the job of the traveller to enjoy the path chosen for him

If the traveller himself is responsible for the chosen path, it becomes his duty to walk the path well, leaving his footprints behind, for, one day, he will look back at these footprints and realize all the pains endured by him to reach where he currently is.
Regardless of the path chosen, the selected path will lead to another road, which will lead to another road, and so on. Not all roads will have the same conditions Some maybe difficult, while some may be easy. Some may be short, while some longer than usual. Some may be beautiful, while some less serene. Some may be peaceful, while some may not offer peace at all. The important thing is to choose your path well....and to keep walking.