The Attitude Issue

Wondering what's going wrong? Well, I guarantee you that 90% of the time, the thing going wrong is your attitude. The problem, is not the problem itself, but your reaction towards it.

Obstacles are a part and parcel of everyone's life. No one is devoid of them. But, humans are meant to overcome obstacles with their attitude towards it. We can't always control the problems evading our life, and, not always can we control the situation that we are in. On the contrary, the thing that we can control is our reaction towards the situation. Circumstances, everytime, cannot be controlled by us. We cannot anticipate what dilemma we are going to have to face or what kind of circumstances we are going to have to deal with. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we cannot foresee the future.

Also, we cannot decide the effects of a particular situation. The cycle of cause and effect is not entirely in our hands, as, it is our destiny (or God, or Nature, or whatever you believe in) which decides that. In between the cause and effect, lies the situaton, which also may be predecided (who knows?). We are only puppets in the hands of another supreme power. So, the only thing we can do, is change our attitude towards the problem, and look at everything in a positive way. Because, that will ultimately decide how content and fulfilling our life will be.